DuPage County, Illinois, Parentage Lawyers

Attorneys For Establishing Paternity, Parenting Time and Child Support in Wheaton, IL
All parents have the right to share in the responsibility of raising a child, whether the child was born through matrimony or out of wedlock. While a father is presumed to be a child's legal parent if he was married to the mother at the time of the child's birth, paternity or parentage can be legally established in Illinois in other ways, including completing and submitting a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity. This form is typically signed by both parents following a child's birth, and it will create a permanent legal relationship between the father and the child.
Unfortunately, couples may encounter complex divorce issues involving child custody and visitation and child support, and if there are questions surrounding the paternity of a child, this may threaten the financial and emotional benefits a father may provide to that child. By establishing paternity, a father will have the right to share in parental responsibility and have reasonable parenting time with the child, and the child will have the right to receive financial support from the father.
The law firm of Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC in DuPage County, Illinois understands the importance of establishing paternity. We are a team of parentage attorneys committed to assisting parents by providing representation in court hearings and helping obtain DNA testing or other forms of evidence to prove paternity. For mothers who are concerned about how their child will be provided for, we can carry out legal action that will determine the parentage of that child, and we can assist in the collection of any child support payments that may be owed.
Fathers' Rights to Legal Paternity Representation
If you know that you are the biological father of a child, and you would like to establish a relationship with your child, even if you are not the custodial parent, our attorneys can help. Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC firmly believes in protecting the rights of any father who wants to be a part of his child's life. There are many ways in which a knowledgeable attorney can help to provide access to your child once paternity is recognized, including petitioning for the allocation of parental responsibility and demonstrating that you have the means and ability to provide for your child's needs during your scheduled parenting time.
When parents seek legal counsel about paternity issues, we do everything we possibly can to resolve these matters. Not only is a child's relationship to both parents important for emotional stability, but establishing paternity can help protect the financial welfare of the child and ensure that they can receive an inheritance and other benefits from the father that they may be entitled to. Let our attorneys negotiate the terms of paternity on your behalf.
Glen Ellyn Paternity Attorneys Protecting Families
Contact Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC if you are concerned about the relationship you have with your child. By establishing paternity, your parental rights can be protected. Call us today at 630-665-2500. We represent clients in DuPage, Cook, Kane, and Lake Counties.