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Study Suggests Divorce May Increase the Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder - Mitigate Yours

 Posted on November 02, 2017 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyersDivorce can be an unpleasant and time-consuming process. A new study also suggests that it may increase your risk of developing an alcohol disorder. Thankfully, you can also mitigate this risk. Learn how and discover what an experienced divorce attorney can do for you in your case.

More on the Study

Previous studies have indicated that divorce may be spurred by the presence of alcohol disorders, but the new study reveals that divorce can also lead to alcohol disorders. Nearly a million Swedes were included in the study - none of which had experienced an alcohol disorder diagnosis prior to their divorce. After a divorce, men were six times more likely to be diagnosed with a first-time alcohol use disorder. Women saw a seven-fold increase in their risk. Rates also remained elevated, even after the researchers accounted for confounding factors, such as low parental education, previous problem behaviors, and a familial risk of alcohol use disorder.

Reducing Your Risk of an Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorders do not develop overnight. Instead, they are insidious-like in the way they start. The individual may excuse their drinking, deny it is a problem, and may not even see how it is truly affecting their life. In fact, by the time the problem registers with the affected individual, it may already be a full-blown addiction. One can reduce the risk of this happening, however, so long as you are diligent and understanding of the condition.

Ensure that, first of all, that you have proper support after the divorce. Seek counseling, reach out to friends and family, and attend support groups. If you are going to drink, be sure to do it with your friends or family, rather than at home alone, as those who are close to you are more likely to tell you if a problem may be brewing. If you have a familial risk of alcohol use disorders, you may find that abstinence is the best method for reducing your individual risk.

Contact Our Wheaton Divorce Lawyers for Assistance

Hiring an attorney may not seem like a viable strategy for reducing your risk of an alcohol disorder after divorce, yet attorneys can reduce the overall stress you feel during the divorce process. Able to handle all the legal details, as well as the negotiations between you and your spouse, a lawyer can also improve the overall outcome of your case.

At Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC, we protect your future and best interests in every way possible. No matter what the situation, our Wheaton divorce lawyers will aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome. Get started on your case by scheduling a personalized consultation. Call 630-665-2500 today.


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