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Divorces Can Cause Severe Economic Hardship

 Posted on May 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

A recent article on the website tells the story of a divorce gone wrong that resulted in a middle-class woman ending up homeless. While most difficult divorces don't end in this drastic of circumstances, there's no denying that the assistance of an experienced divorce lawyer is crucial in ensuring that you end up with what you deserve in your Illinois divorce.

Although she has a college degree and previous work experience, Nazzise had not worked for the last several years of her marriage, at her husband' urging. In 2007, her now ex-husband abruptly moved out, removed her name from the couple's joint bank account, and terminated the lease on the townhome they lived in. Nazzise found herself with no money and no place to live. Nazzise chose to represent herself in her divorce proceedings and was awarded alimony payments of $1,200 per month. Still, she struggled to make ends meet and find reliable, affordable housing. Because she was a single, able-bodied adult, Nazzise wasn't eligible for many public assistance programs, and she believes that her employment gap hurt her in the job hunt.

According to some experts, Nazzise's situation isn't entirely uncommon. One sociology professor referred to women facing financial troubles following their divorce as "event-caused poverty" and said that it can take years to recover from. Although this can happen the other way around, men's jobs usually pay more, and women are more likely to have put their career on hold when married, so it more commonly affects them.

If you're going through a divorce in the Greater Chicago area, obtain representation by a qualified divorce lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced Wheaton, Illinois divorce lawyer can ensure that all assets are divided equitably and that you receive the largest alimony payment you are entitled to. Click here to contact the top divorce attorneys at Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC LLC.

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