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Enjoy Giving Now!

 Posted on January 15,2013 in Estate Planning

Birthdays. Christmas. Showers. What do all three have in common? The ability for the giver of a gift to enjoy seeing the receiver's reaction and joy to the gift given to them and knowing what they just gave made someone else happy. What a feeling. It is true that it is better to give than to receive in that regard.

If your love language is gift-giving, look into giving your financial contributions and gifts NOW instead of after your death. Wills are great and so is making sure people and organizations get what you worked a lifetime for, but, there are opportunities for you to see your hard earned money bless others today.

There are two veryeasy ways to go about this. First, is to pay either medical or educational bills - unlimited expenses! Just make sure you give directly to the institution on behalf of the person you wish to help. That means college, doctors, hospitals, medication - expenses anyone would appreciate the help with! Second, is to give $13,000 per person per year. Yes! That means you can select as many people you would like to give each $13,000 a year to! Just remember that you do have a lifetime to give $1 million without paying taxes.

To setup and or to plan out your finances prior to your passing contact a DuPage County lawyer who will clearly explain your options and help you plan it all out. A knowledgeable and helpful attorney makes the process easier and most importantly, enjoyable to experience!

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