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Violating a Tenant's Rights Can Result in Expensive Litigation

 Posted on December 29,2016 in Eviction Process

DuPage County real estate lawyersWhen it comes to renting out a commercial building or residential property, landlords assume a lot of risk. Tenants may fail to pay their rent, could cause destruction to the property, or may violate building codes and cause the landlord to incur extra expenses. Yet, even in such instances, landlords must adhere to certain laws. In particular, they must follow the due process to ensure a tenant's rights are not violated. Failure to do so can result in expensive litigation. The following explains further, and provides you with some information on how you can legally protect your commercial or residential rental property.

Landlord Faces Litigation After Locking Tenant Out of Restaurant

After allegedly being locked out of his restaurant, a Mount Prospect business owner is suing his landlord. He claims he had not been late on his rent, had not been any form of notification, and was not permitted to retrieve his property within the building. The landlord's attorney alleges, instead, that he is not in the wrong. If anything, he is allegedly allowing the tenant to walk away from a 10-year lease without having to pay for any damages that may be owed.

This case, though still unresolved, brings a serious issue to light. The tenant is essentially suggesting that they landlord did not follow the legal process for evicting a tenant. It is also not an uncommon issue, which is rather unfortunate since, in such a situation, the landlord could be held liable for any losses experienced by the business owner. This may include the loss of property, revenue, and possibly even the loss of a company.

Protecting Your Property the Legal Way

Landlords do not have to stand idly by as a tenant fails to pay rent, damages property, or otherwise fails to adhere to a contract. Instead, they can take legal action to enforce their contract. If those efforts fail, then the landlord may proceed with the eviction process. Be aware, however, that there are still risks involved. As such, you should contact an experienced attorney for assistance with the process - especially if you believe an eviction may be in order.

Contact Our DuPage County Real Estate Lawyers

If you need help with a tenant issue or eviction, contact Stock, Carlson & Asso. LLC for assistance. Skilled and experienced, we will fight to protect your property and your interests. Schedule a personalized consultation with our DuPage County real estate lawyers to discuss your commercial or real estate property issue. Call us at 630-665-2500 today.


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